VINCENZO   PIZZI   -   Delivering Original Music and Sound Design for Media
Delivering Original Music and Sound Design for Media

Vincenzo Pizzi

“Aware" is the fourth album of Vincenzo Pizzi, a narrative based on emotions, feelings and personal experiences of the past two years. A journey open to all with the intent to describe andrevive mixed feelings.

On the one hand we have beauty in all its forms, the purest aesthetics and feeling good. On the other we have the obsession and fear of losing beauty, mental and physical well-being. Losing all kinds of contact: visual, aural, real, surreal. Losing does not necessarily mean being defeated. To participate emotionally in actions, situations and everything around us. Changing view of the usual beauty and appreciating sides that are unfamiliar.

The sounds present in this album are purely electronic, with textures of sound design pure, organic elements, distorted and dominant rhythms contrasted with soft and romance. A metric excursion that allows the listener to rise, fall, stay and get carried away.

This album is taken from the performance A/V “物の哀れ - MONO NO AWARE” presented as a world premiere for Manifesto Fest “Ipogeo” in Rome and curated by  Visioni Parallele Creative Studio.

Album Art

Titolo Brano


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